Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series
Arcadia University
The Compass
The Compass is an online scholarly journal edited and produced by students in the Arcadia University Honors Program. It is dedicated to providing a platform for undergraduate research and insight so that it may inspire, intrigue, and inform an audience. The journal’s primary aim is to cultivate scholarly community and intellectual curiosity by featuring multidisciplinary perspectives. The Compass endeavors to build an intellectual collaborative community that promotes the circulation of research and ideas.

The Journal of International Relations, Peace Studies, and Development
ISSN 2429-2133
The Journal of International Relations, Peace Studies, and Development is a high-quality, peer-reviewed academic periodical dedicated to quantitative and qualitative research of political, legal, economic, social and cultural issues within International Relations, Peace Studies, and Development Studies. This inaugural issue focuses on an open theme exhibiting scholarly works on the role of civil society and environmental issues in international relations, the current diplomatic landscape, the war on terror and the role of information in promoting equality and democracy.

Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature
ISSN 1523-5734
The Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature was published from 1999 to 2013.
From the original publication: The Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature is an on-line journal whose purpose is to make available in a timely fashion reviews of new books in the field. It is modeled on its sister journal, Bryn Mawr Classical Review, which has been highly successful in circulating reviews soon after publication. The editors hope to reflect the evolving, dynamic nature of Comparative Literature in the range of books covered, from studies of national literatures to theoretical, interdisciplinary and cultural inquiries.
Teaching and Learning Together in Higher Education
ISSN 2381-4268
Teaching and Learning Together in Higher Education (TLTHE) serves as a forum for the reflective work of college faculty and students working together to explore and enact effective classroom practice. Published three times per year, the journal is premised on the centrality to successful pedagogy of dialogue and collaboration among faculty and students in explorations and revisions of approaches to teaching and learning in higher education. The journal has several aims:
● To include student perspectives and voices in analyses, affirmations, and revisions of educational practice at the post-secondary level
● To offer windows onto the development of pedagogical insights that faculty and students gain when they collaborate on explorations of classroom practice and systematically reflect on that collaboration
● To create forums for dialogue between faculty and students whose work is featured in this journal and others engaged in similar work
● To explore in particular the challenges and possibilities of such collaborations
Bucknell University
Comparative Humanities Review (Comparative & Digital Humanities)
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

The Humanities Review (English)
ISSN 2575-4505
Introductory text for The Humanities Review.
See About this Journal for a complete coverage of the journal.
Duquesne University
Anima Una (ID and Anima Una)
Anima Una is a Spiritan Generalate publication which continues the series Information Documentation (I/D) as a tool for the formation and animation of Spiritans. For more information, please see About This Journal.
To access other volumes, see ID AND ANIMA UNA

Cahiers Spiritains (Spiritan Papers Collection (English and French))
Cahiers Spiritains est un publication du Groupe D'Etudes Spiritaines qui est publie sous la forme d’un supplement à Bulletin General.

Cor Unum (Spiritan Collection)

Duquesne Criminal Law Journal (School of Law)
From the Introduction to Volume 1 Issue 1:
"This publication is dedicated to the advancement of scholarship in the field of law in which the contours of "justice" are most profoundly defined.
-- Bruce A. Antkowiak"
Duquesne Law Review (School of Law)
ISSN 0093-3058
This is an archival version of the journal. Please also see the Duquesne Law Review Website.Duquesne Studies in Phenomenology
Duquesne Studies in Phenomenology is an explicitly interdisciplinary journal for phenomenological research. Drawing especially on philosophical and psychological approaches to phenomenological questions, the journal also promotes inquiry in fields such as communications and rhetoric, theology and religious studies, music, literature, and visual arts, and sociology and geography.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

First Class: A Journal of First-Year Composition
First Class publishes award-winning work by first-year students at Duquesne University.
Gathered Fragments (Catholic Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania)
Gathered Fragments is the journal of the Catholic Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania. Issues are released yearly and are available for ordering immediately through the Catholic Historical Society website. After one year, issues are made freely available through Duquesne Scholarship Collection. For an overview of all published issues, see the Index to Gathered Fragments.A complete coverage of the journal can be found under Aims & Scope.

Horizons Spiritains (Spiritan Horizons (English, French, and Portuguese))
ISSN 1933-1762

Horizontes Espiritanos (Spiritan Horizons (English, French, and Portuguese))
ISSN 1933-1762

Mémoire Spiritaine (Spiritan Collection)
ISSN 1254-2520
Mémoire Spiritaine se propose à tous comme une revue d'histoire missionnaire largement ouverte sur l'ensemble de la diffusion et de l'inculturation du christianisme, à travers — notamment mais pas uniquement — l'histoire des spiritains.

Middle Voices
Middle Voices is a journal of scholarly research published by the Department of Psychology at Duquesne University. As part of Duquesne’s longstanding tradition in human science psychology, the journal is concerned with cross- disciplinary intersections that inform our understanding of self and world.
Missão Espiritana (Spiritan Collection)
ISSN 1645-4790
Missão Espiritana: Revista das circunscrições espiritanas lusófonas

Phenomena: Duquesne Undergraduate Philosophy Society
The Duquesne Undergraduate Philosophy Society is proud to present Phenomena which features student research and written articles on a variety of philosophical concepts. With a focus on continental philosophy, this journal is foundational for students to contribute their thoughts to academic conversation.
Spiritan Horizons (Spiritan Horizons (English, French, and Portuguese))
ISSN 1933-1762
Spiritan Horizons seeks to further research into the history, spirituality, and tradition of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritan Magazine (Spiritan Collection)
Produced by the TransCanada Province of the Congregation of the Holy Ghost since 1973, Spiritan has been published under the titles Spiritan News and Spiritan Missionary News.
See About this Magazine for more information about this publication.

Spiritan Papers (Spiritan Papers Collection (English and French))
Spiritan Papers is a publication of the Spiritan Studies Group intended to promote interest and research into the history and spirituality of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit. This publication serves as a supplement to the General Bulletin.

TEMPO is a magazine published by the Mary Pappert School of Music that chronicles the achievements and milestones of its students, faculty, and staff. See About This Journal for a complete coverage of the journal.

Elizabethtown College
Fine Print
Fine Print is the literary and arts magazine of Elizabethtown College. The student-run publication features works of fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, and art created by members of the College.

Gettysburg College
Adams County History
ISSN 2378-5322 (print)
Adams County History is the annual publication of the Adams County Historical Society in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It has been published since 1995 and includes stories of many eras of local history. Some articles are ongoing research projects based out of the Society's archival collection while others are research interests from academic or amateur historians. In every issue, the Historical Society strives to share interesting local stories as well as thoughtful research.
To learn more about the Adams County Historical Society, please visit their website.

Gettysburg College Headquarters
The Gettysburg College Headquarters is an open access, peer-reviewed, undergraduate research journal that publishes works from specific fields in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Visual Arts. Our goals align with those of Gettysburg College in that we seek to foster and present outstanding undergraduate student works from diverse academic backgrounds.

Gettysburg Economic Review
ISSN 2375-2629
The Gettysburg Economic Review is an undergraduate student journal edited and published by the Economics Department at Gettysburg College. It showcases some of the best work produced by Economics students in the department each year.
Gettysburg Social Sciences Review
ISSN 2577-8463
Gettysburg Social Sciences Review is an open access, peer-reviewed, undergraduate research journal that is dedicated to providing a forum for undergraduate students to develop and share critical research and writing in the Social Sciences. We encourage submissions from a wide spectrum of topics relevant to the Social Sciences. The journal seeks to advance the mission of Gettysburg College by fostering exchanges of ideas across disciplines to promote critical thought and active participation while highlighting the academic contributions of undergraduate research.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
The Gettysburg College Journal of the Civil War Era
ISSN 2165-3666
The Gettysburg College Journal of the Civil War Era is an open access, peer-reviewed, undergraduate journal. The journal annually publishes undergraduate papers on the Civil War Era and its lasting memory. We are interested in academic essays, public history essays, and book reviews broadly relating to the American Civil War. For further details on submitting your work, please see About this journal.

The Gettysburg Historical Journal
ISSN 2327-3917
The Gettysburg Historical Journal is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that features original undergraduate student research and essays. It is produced by students at Gettysburg College and published annually. While the Gettysburg Historical Journal focuses on research in the field of history, we publish and encourage submissions from other disciplines that utilize historical viewpoints or methodologies, including sociology, anthropology, and classics.

The Gettysburg Journal for Public Policy
The Gettysburg Journal for Public Policy provides an outlet for undergraduate students to share and publish policy-oriented research. Few opportunities exist for undergraduate students to present public policy research; therefore, in keeping with the values of Gettysburg College, we hope to encourage “the free and open exchange of ideas” among undergraduate researchers, future students, and policymakers.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

The Mercury
The Student Art & Literary Magazine of Gettysburg College
ISSN 2332-1598
The Mercury: The Student Art & Literary Magazine of Gettysburg College began in 1893 and is currently published annually in both physical and digital form. All Gettysburg College students are invited to participate and submit their work. Student editors are elected annually by the entire staff. Submissions will open October 1, with a deadline of January 2 for the 2024 edition. Submissions are reviewed and chosen anonymously by the staff. The magazine is published in April.
The Mercury accepts submissions of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, artwork, and photography. See the Submission Guidelines to answer your questions about how to submit your work.

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Beyond the Project Horizon: Journal of the Center for Project Management Innovation (Project Management, Graduate (PMGT))
ISSN 2993-2556
Beyond the Project Horizon: Journal of the Center for Project Management Innovation recognizes the value and importance of the peer reviewer in the overall publication process – not only in shaping the individual manuscript but also in shaping the credibility and reputation of a journal.
Beyond the Project Horizon: Journal of the Center for Project Management Innovation is committed to the timely publication of all credible scholarly-based manuscripts submitted for publication. As such, we are identifying and selecting reviewers with expertise and interest in the topics appropriate to each manuscript. Reviewers are essential in ensuring a timely, productive peer review process.
In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for Beyond the Project Horizon: Journal of the Center for Project Management Innovation, we ask that you take a moment to complete this form for our files (link opens in a new tab), allowing us to better access your areas of interest and expertise, in matching our reviewers with submitted manuscripts.
Generally, reviewers are asked to return their comments within two weeks.
*Required fields are marked with asterisks.
Kutztown University
Communications on Number Theory and Combinatorial Theory
Communications on Number Theory and Combinatorial Theory (CONTACT) is an open access journal that aims at providing a fair review process and publishing original research articles in the areas of number theory and combinatorics. To achieve this, manuscripts submitted to the journal will be peer-reviewed in a double-blind format.
CONTACT publishes papers on a rolling basis, with one regular volume per year. In addition to regular volumes, we may occasionally publish special issues. Articles are published at the time of final acceptance. There is no publication charge for any accepted articles.
Information for authors can be found on the Journal Policies page.

Green Revolution
The Green Revolution.
The Green Revolution was the newsletter of the School of Living between January 1963 and the end of 2018. The purpose of the Green Revolution was to publish articles and advice about the Major Universal Problems educational program developed by School of Living founder Ralph Borsodi, articles about homesteading, and news and events.
Journal of Dracula Studies
ISSN 1492-708X
The Journal of Dracula Studies is published by the Department of English at Kutztown University. Edited by Dr. Jonathan Shaw and Dr. Nicole McClure, this peer-reviewed academic journal is published yearly and features scholarly articles from around the world on Bram Stoker, Dracula, and depictions of vampires in folklore, film and popular culture.
Normal Vidette of the Keystone State Normal School
The Normal Vidette is a publication of the Keystone State Normal School, now Kutztown University.
Published from 1889 to 1923, it was a quarterly publication written by KSNS Students describing life and events at the school for Alumini
La Salle University
Four Quarters (Faculty Publications)
Four Quarters was a literary magazine published quarterly during the academic year, aimed at focusing the practice and appreciation of writing in the Catholic tradition and more particularly at fixing a channel of expression for Faculty, Alumni, and Students of La Salle College, the Brothers of the Christian Schools, and selected outside contributors.
Graduate Annual (Student Work)
The Graduate Annual provides a collection of the best master’s and doctoral theses, capstones, projects and abstracts at La Salle University for a calendar year.

The Collegian (Student Publications)

The Histories (Student Publications)
The Lasalle University “Histories” Club is a student historical society born from an unending love of the past and a passion to never look forward without first looking behind. The Histories Club then, dedicates itself to the ideas, customs, and culture of the past so that in this each member seeks to preserve and promulgate what once was in hopes that, by such acts of enlightenment thus fostered by this institution, it may be again.
With love, honor, and reverence The Histories dare to remember what and whom the rest of the world has nearly forgotten.
Vietnam Generation (Special Collections)
ISSN 1042-7597
About Vietnam Generation
Published between 1989 and 1996, Vietnam Generation served as a premier source of essays, artwork, poetry and other materials for the field of Vietnam War studies. When the journal ceased publication, the Vietnam Generation archives were sent to the Connelly Library Department of Special Collections. Vietnam Generation is now part of The Connelly Library’s renowned Imaginative Representations of the Vietnam War Collection.

Messiah University
The Peregrine Review
The Peregrine Review is Messiah University’s literary journal. Designed, edited, and written by undergraduate students, the journal consists of poetry, prose, and visual art. The Peregrine Review is dedicated to showcasing the voices of our community and is open to all students, faculty, and staff for submission.

Penn State Dickinson Law
Dickinson Law Review (1908-2003) (Law Reviews)
ISSN 2574-2604
The Dickinson Law Review was originally founded as The Forum in 1897. Today, it stands as the nation’s fifth-oldest legal journal and is the flagship publication of Penn State Dickinson Law. The Dickinson Law Review is a student-run journal that serves the legal community by publishing articles and commentary on timely legal topics. Each year, our three print issues contain articles by professors, judges, and practitioners, reviews of important recent books from recognized experts, and student-authored comments. The Dickinson Law Review was published under several names throughout its storied history:- The Forum (1897–1908): Vols. 1–12
- Dickinson Law Review (1908–2003): Vols. 13–107
- Penn State Law Review (2003–2017): Vols. 108–121
- Dickinson Law Review (2017-Present): Vols. 122 onward
Dickinson Law Review (2017-Present) (Law Reviews)
ISSN 2574-2604
The Dickinson Law Review was originally founded as The Forum in 1897. Today, it stands as the nation’s fifth-oldest legal journal and is the flagship publication of Penn State Dickinson Law. The Dickinson Law Review is a student-run journal that serves the legal community by publishing articles and commentary on timely legal topics. Each year, our three print issues contain articles by professors, judges, and practitioners, reviews of important recent books from recognized experts, and student-authored comments. The Dickinson Law Review was published under several names throughout its storied history:- The Forum (1897–1908): Vols. 1–12
- Dickinson Law Review (1908–2003): Vols. 13–107
- Penn State Law Review (2003–2017): Vols. 108–121
- Dickinson Law Review (2017-Present): Vols. 122 onward
The Forum (1897-1908) (Law Reviews)
ISSN 2574-2604
The Dickinson Law Review was originally founded as The Forum in 1897. Today, it stands as the nation’s fifth-oldest legal journal and is the flagship publication of Penn State Dickinson Law. The Dickinson Law Review is a student-run journal that serves the legal community by publishing articles and commentary on timely legal topics. Each year, our three print issues contain articles by professors, judges, and practitioners, reviews of important recent books from recognized experts, and student-authored comments. The Dickinson Law Review was published under several names throughout its storied history:- The Forum (1897–1908): Vols. 1–12
- Dickinson Law Review (1908–2003): Vols. 13–107
- Penn State Law Review (2003–2017): Vols. 108–121
- Dickinson Law Review (2017-Present): Vols. 122 onward
Penn State Law
Arbitration Law Review (Law Reviews and Journals)
The Arbitration Law Review is a student-edited publication done in a law review format. The Arbitration Law Review is a unique publication among those which cover dispute resolution, in that it is currently the only scholarly legal journal dedicated to covering both U.S. domestic and international developments in arbitration and other dispute resolution procedures. The Review publishes scholarly articles resulting from an annual symposium, as well as student pieces on recent case law, legislative enactments, arbitral decisions, and reviews of current dispute resolution literature.
The U.S. Supreme Court continues to show substantial interest in the law of arbitration and to favor this form of adjudication. State and federal courts generally embrace alternative means of resolving disputes. Arbitration, mediation, and negotiation are now a genuine part of the U.S. legal system and law practice. Additionally, arbitration has become critical to global commerce, and mediation is used in many countries to avoid litigation. The Review fulfills the need for the professional discussion of developments in these areas.
Penn State Journal of Law & International Affairs (Law Reviews and Journals)
ISSN 2168-7951
The Penn State Journal of Law & International Affairs (JLIA) is a student-edited, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal, jointly published by Penn State Law and School of International Affairs.
The Journal publishes twice a year and includes scholarly articles and student comments focusing on developments of international law and current issues.
The Journal promotes academic and public discourse at the intersection of law and international affairs, featuring contributions in the areas of public and private international law, international relations, comparative law and politics, geography, economics, history, and policy issues in the various sciences. We cover a range of timely topics including but not limited to: global economy, international crimes, human rights, counter-terrorism, international trade, intellectual property, sports and entertainment law. We promise to publish a diverse range of articles on current international law issues and developments.
All JLIA issues are available online and indexed by LEXIS and Westlaw.

Penn State Law Review (Law Reviews and Journals)
The Penn State Law Review is the flagship publication of Penn State Law. As a general-interest journal, the Penn State Law Review publishes in the broad range of legal scholarship and does not limit submissions by any specific topic. Generally, each issue includes several legal articles and comments. The articles are written by legal scholars and practitioners, and the comments are written by Penn State law students. Every year, as part of a stringent selection process, the journal evaluates a host of submissions. The Law Review publishes three print issues per year.
Penn State Environmental Law Review (Law Reviews and Journals)
Originally titled The Dickinson Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, The Penn State Environmental Law Review was published from 1991 to 2011, and provided a forum for articles in the traditional realm of environmental law, as well as risk assessment, toxicology and epidemiology.
Penn State International Law Review (Law Reviews and Journals)
Originally the Dickinson Journal of International Law, the Penn State International Law Review (ILR) was established in 1982 and was Pennsylvania's first internationally focused student-edited law journal. Publication ceased in 2011.
The Penn State International Law Review published articles on public and private international law written by leading government (domestic and foreign) officials, legal scholars, private practitioners, and law students.
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The Journal of Integrated Primary Care
The Journal of Integrated Primary Care is an open-access, online peer-reviewed journal published quarterly that aims to grow the evidence base related to integrated primary care professional education, practice, and intervention. The objectives of JIPC are to guide and inform the multidisciplinary clinical care of primary care patients and to include graduate student authors in each issue.See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Voices from the Floor (College Collections)
'Voices from the Floor' is a collection of clinically-related experiences of students, faculty, employees, patients, and clinicians associated with PCOM, recorded by the editors in a conversational setting.

Swarthmore College
ANALÖG (Student Scholarship)
ANALÖG is Swarthmore College's analog and digital photography journal, published each semester.

#CritEdPol: Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies at Swarthmore College
ISSN 2473-912X
#CritEdPol, Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies at Swarthmore College (ISSN 2473-912X) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal for community actors, undergraduates and academics, published by the Critical Education Policies Studies (CEPS) group at Swarthmore College. #CritEdPol engages in a critical education policy approach where policy formation and implementation is understood as the product of socio-historical conditions and diverging ideologies in relation to institutions, communities and individuals. This framework allows us to view education policy as a tool for traditional policymakers, community advocates, and scholars to solve problems and affect change. Our journal provides a space for these critical discussions of education policy, practice and related issues as they impact various communities. In keeping with our community focus, we believe that submissions to our Journal can take a variety of forms, ranging from scholarly papers to multimedia projects, provided that they inspire a continued conversation among stakeholders about education policy and practice.

Crossings: Swarthmore Undergraduate Feminist Research Journal (Student Scholarship)
ISSN 2994-676X
Crossings is an open-access undergraduate interdisciplinary research journal that provides a forum for discourse on feminist theory and scholarship. The title is inspired by M. Jacqui Alexander’s Pedagogies of Crossing, which takes as its basis the concept of the Middle Passage, the Crossing, to understand Black transnational feminism’s erosion of boundaries—disciplinary conventions, respectability politics, national borders, and bodies that are gendered, sexualized, and racialized, among others kinds of categories—in relation to empire and postmodernity.
See the About This Journal for a complete coverage of the journal.

Swarthmore International Relations Journal (Student Scholarship)
ISSN 2574-0113
Swarthmore International Relations Journal (SIRJ) is an undergraduate journal publishing works on global affairs. Established in 2016, SIRJ is student written, edited, and produced. The primary goals of SIRJ are twofold: to help foster a new generation of scholars, and to bring fresh, liberal arts perspectives to international relations. Through a peer-reviewed editing process, SIRJ seeks to become a major vehicle for undergraduate research on international relations, and encourage critical and intellectual dialogues among scholars.Swarthmore Undergraduate History Journal (Student Scholarship)
ISSN 2693-244X
Swarthmore Undergraduate History Journal is a peer-reviewed, faculty-approved, student run research publication that seeks to encourage undergraduate scholarship on diverse subjects. We uphold publishing ethics and are committed to the integrity of academic research. This journal is also specifically inclusive of historical narratives often overlooked in mainstream scholarship, and allows for the submission of interdisciplinary articles so long as the focus remains historical.

Thomas Jefferson University
Beyond the Airway (Student Works)
Beyond the Airway is the Jefferson Anesthesia Society’s student-run, non-peer reviewed journal for Sidney Kimmel Medical College (SKMC) students. The Jefferson Anesthesia Society is SKMC’s student interest group for the specialty of anesthesiology. This journal offers a unique platform for students passionate about anesthesia to explore topics within the field and interact with faculty in the anesthesia department at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.

Bodine Journal
The Bodine Journal highlights the research covered by the Department of Radiation Oncology at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University. It is my pleasure to show the depth and breadth of our organization and the talent of our staff and faculty. We welcome any comments and suggestions.

Bone Bulletin (Student Works)
Bone Bulletin is the DePalma Orthopedic Society’s student-run, non-peer reviewed journal for Sidney Kimmel Medical College (SKMC) students. The journal’s aim is to provide yet another way to be involved with orthopedics in medical school and to promote student interest in orthopedics by reporting on diverse aspects of the field through editorial and opinion pieces. Under the close 1-on-1 mentorship of a Rothman physician, students have a hands-on opportunity to write about and directly engage with orthopedic research and developments.

CenterPieces (Center for Applied Research on Aging and Health)
Newsletter of the Center for Applied Research on Aging and Health (CARAH)
Sharing our activities in research, education & clinical innovation to advance healthy aging.
The Center seeks to enhance the quality of life for people as they age through research, training of health professionals and facilitation of evidence-based clinical service. This is accomplished through theory-driven research with practical health care and quality of life implications. The Center seeks to develop models for translation of research into clinical practice, as well as explore opportunities for academic-community partnerships. We encourage and facilitate interdisciplinary approaches to problems of public health importance covering the topics of physical frailty, dementia care, end of life comfort care, healthy aging, aging at home in place and quality of life issues.

Collaborative Healthcare: Interprofessional Practice, Education and Evaluation (JCIPE) (Jefferson Center for InterProfessional Education)
The Collaborative Healthcare: Interprofessional Practice, Education and Evaluation e-newsletter is a bi-annual on-line peer-reviewed newsletter which stimulates discussions around interprofessional education and care. Feel free to view, print and distribute this publication to your networks.

Evanescent (Jefferson Center for Injury Research and Prevention)
Evanescent is a literary journal published by the Jefferson Center for Injury Research and Prevention and dedicated to stories of injury and all its victims.
We seek submissions of high-quality writing on themes related to injury, including short nonfiction, fiction, and poetry.
Submissions are welcomed from all members of the Jefferson community.
Please send your submissions to

Gibbon Surgical Review (Gibbon Surgical Society)
The Gibbon Surgical Review (GSR) is a non-peer reviewed journal for medical school students to publish articles about the opportunities at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. This biannual journal is headed by the John H. Gibbon Jr. Surgical Society, and focuses around editorial and opinion pieces about some of the exciting surgical opportunities that are developing in the surgery department, and the university in general.

Innovator (Thomas Jefferson University)

Inside Out (Student Works)
We are excited to share this year’s edition of Inside Out with you!
One year since the last publication of this magazine and so much of the world has changed. In many ways, we continue to be challenged as students, healthcare workers, and members of the Jefferson community. We struggle to balance a reverence for what has been lost over the last two years with a gentle optimism for the future. Despite this uncertainty, what is clear is that creating and sharing art will continue to be a critical way for us to reflect and better understand ourselves. The diverse collection of written work and visual art represented in this magazine speaks to the complexity of our Jefferson community, and in that complexity we see beauty. Through this publication, we celebrate the achievements of our contributors and take inspiration from their art.
We are deeply grateful for the contributions of the Jefferson community to this magazine. The vulnerability, strength, and self-reflection exhibited in their pieces is truly admirable and we are sincerely thankful for their openness to share.
Amy Baumgart & Steven Bieser
Editors in Chief
John Curran & Alice Wu
Literary Directors
Connor Crutchfield & Roselind Ni
Art Directors

inSIGHT (Student Works)
inSIGHT is a student-run, non-peer reviewed journal established by the Thomas Duane Ophthalmology Society to highlight the innovative ophthalmic research, procedures, and faculty at Wills Eye Hospital and Thomas Jefferson University. inSIGHT aims to promote student interest in ophthalmology by supporting peer authors to report on diverse aspects of the field, through editorial and opinion pieces.

Jefferson Currents: The Energy Conservation Newsletter
Currents is the energy conservation newsletter for Thomas Jefferson University.
Welcome to our Jefferson Currents Newsletter. This newsletter will highlight our energy conservation efforts throughout the enterprise.
The total energy spend for Jefferson is now more than $40 Million per year. The challenge – how do we manage this for maximum savings. The good news – we have a solid proven plan for doing this, as described in this newsletter. But we need your help.
Every employee in every Department can help to reduce our energy costs.
Please learn more... and take action!
Jefferson Journal of Psychiatry (Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior)
ISSN 1935-0783
The Jefferson Journal of Psychiatry is published by the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Its mission is the publication of clinical research and clinical writing by residents in psychiatry everywhere; a mission, so far as we are aware, that is unique among psychiatric journals. The editorial board, other than an advisor from the Department's faculty, is composed entirely of residents, including the editor-in-chief.
Jefferson Surgical Solutions (Department of Surgery)
Jefferson Surgical Solutions is published by Thomas Jefferson University and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. It is a semiannual publication for friends and colleagues of Jefferson's Department of Surgery.
Information in Jefferson Surgical Solutions is not intended to provide advice on personal medical matters or to substitute for consultation with a physician.

Jefferson Translations
The Department of Medicine published the newsletter Translations.
THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUEDThe name "Translations" represents a fundamental aspect of our mission: translating information from the basic science laboratory, seminal clinical trials, and outcomes research to improvements in patient care as well as student and postgraduate education. While the completion of the human genome project and technologic advances in high throughput genotyping, robotics, and the molecular biology of many human diseases have resulted in an explosion of new therapies and devices, it is often difficult to keep track of these many advances, much less identify what novel resources are available at Jefferson to help in care of the patient.
The issues of Translations will inform you about the department's ongoing research, clinical, and educational activities, so that both doctors and patients are able to take better advantage of the range of opportunities available at Jefferson.
JeffHOPE News (Student Works)
JeffHOPE: Health Opportunities, Prevention & Education
We passionately commit ourselves to treat the underserved men, women, and children of Philadelphia, embracing the values of kindness, equality, and excellence. We accomplish this mission by providing free, quality care to all, through student-run clinics; educating our patients on their health and how to maintain it; advocating for improved patient care; and teaching each other to become stronger clinicians. We aim to empower these individuals to regain their footing and climb out of poverty.
JHN Journal (Department of Neurosurgery)
ISSN 2325-2839
The JHN Journal is published by Thomas Jefferson University and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. It is a semiannual publication for friends and colleagues of Jefferson's Department of Neurological Surgery.
Information in the JHN Journal is not intended to provide advice on personal medical matters or to substitute for consultation with a physician.

Office of Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives Newsletter (Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement)
The newsletter from the Office of Diversity & Inclusion, intended to reach our students, residents, and faculty and spread awareness about diversity initiatives at the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University!Population Health Matters (Formerly Health Policy Newsletter) (Jefferson College of Population Health)
The mission of the Jefferson College of Population Health is to prepare leaders with global vision to develop, implement, and evaluate health policies and systems that improve the health of populations and thereby enhance the quality of life.
Population Health Matters is a quarterly newsletter designed to further the mission of the College of Population Health by highlighting initiatives that have policy implications at the local, regional, or national levels. Population Health Matters is governed by an editorial board composed of Thomas Jefferson University faculty and expert stakeholders.
Prescriptions for Excellence in Health Care Newsletter Supplement (Jefferson College of Population Health)
A collaboration between Jefferson School of Population Health and Eli Lilly and Company
Prescriptions for Excellence in Health Care is devoted to the quality improvement agenda. Change, in regulations, technology, and quality measurement, to name a few, is accelerating exponentially. Amid this constant change, it is challenging for health care professionals to remain current on the programs and initiatives being implemented. To help address this issue, Jefferson's College of Population Health has partnered with Eli Lilly and Company to produce this newsletter. Together, we aim to provide you with essential information from the quality improvement and patient safety arenas.
Sci-Tech News
ISSN 0036-8059
Sci-Tech News (ISSN 0036-8059) is published quarterly (March, May, September, December) by the Chemistry, Engineering, and Science-Technology Divisions, the Aerospace Section of the Engineering Division, and the Materials Research and Manufacturing Section of the Chemistry Division of the Special Libraries Association.
The Medicine Forum
ISSN 2325-2863
The Thomas Jefferson Medicine Forum (TJM) is an annual publication of scholarly works produced by Thomas Jefferson Internal Medicine residents. TJM includes a wide variety of case presentations, individual research pursuits, reviews, and images reflecting important disease processes. The editors of TJM are exclusively Jefferson IM residents. The TJM gives our residents both publishing and editing experience that is invaluable and translatable to careers long after residency.
Thomas Jefferson University Research Magazine (Thomas Jefferson University)
Thomas Jefferson University’s Research Magazine reflects the tremendous level of commitment, energy and momentum embodied in the Jefferson research enterprise.
At Jefferson, we work hard to bring people, ideas and resources together in new ways—creating opportunities to apply knowledge, methods and technologies from one field, to questions asked in another. This year, our research report offers a glimpse of how convergent thinking is manifest across our institution – through multidisciplinary teams who combine their research to solve challenges, as well as those who team up to tease apart the interwoven problems that comprise complex challenges.
Our research enterprise is robust and growing. We are having major impact across the research spectrum—from making fundamental discoveries on the nanoscale and atomic levels to the translation and application of new therapies, processes and products in health care, industry, local communities and multifaceted ecosystems.
Discover the many ways that Jefferson researchers are moving past boundaries to pursue opportunity and surmount our world’s most significant challenges.

Value-Based Purchasing Newsletter (Jefferson College of Population Health)
THIS PUBLICATION HAS BEEN DISCONTINUEDValue-Based Purchasing is a quarterly newsletter intended to help employers become more effective purchasers of health benefits on behalf of their employees. Contents include tools and practical strategies for employers, as well as evaluative findings and opportunities for readers to share their experiences.
University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
East Asia Law Review (University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review)
The East Asia Law Review is committed to addressing current legal developments in East Asia by providing a forum for scholars and students to contribute to the development of legal affairs in the region.
In 2015, East Asia Law Review changed its title to the University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review.
JCL Online (University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law)
ISSN 1942-8561
JCL Online is part of the Journal’s larger strategic vision of fostering academic discourse on cutting-edge issues in constitutional law. Volume 14 established JCL Online, originally called Heightened Scrutiny, as the Journal’s online supplement, and Volume 15 was the first edition to be formally published as a companion to our print edition.
Visit our site at or email us.
Essays published on JCL Online in Volume 16 or earlier may be cited as U. Pa. J. Const. L. Height. Scrutiny. Thereafter, cite to U. Pa. J. Const. L. Online.
Journal of Law & Innovation (Penn Carey Law Journals)
The Journal of Law & Innovation provides a comprehensive year-long seminar experience, fostering a unique and enriching journey for students by closely collaborating with esteemed Penn Carey Law faculty members. This collaboration offers students the opportunity to establish meaningful connections with faculty, cultivating an environment of mentorship and shared learning. This collaborative endeavor centers on the generation and editing of the journal. Through active engagement in these essential aspects of scholarly publication, students acquire hands-on experience in shaping and refining critical discussions at the forefront of legal and technological innovation.
A standout feature of JLI is its annual symposium, a significant intellectual gathering. During this event, students, faculty, industry experts, and the journal’s renowned authors converge to thoroughly explore and dissect the chosen theme of the year. The symposium functions as a dynamic platform for in-depth discussions, presentations, and the exchange of ideas among participants.
As JLI enters its sixth year of existence, it stands as a testament to an unwavering commitment to fostering an environment in which students actively participate in the evolving landscape of scholarship concerning contemporary technology issues.
The Journal (Alumni Publications)
The Journal, formerly Penn Law Journal, and its predecessor titles date back to 1965. Below you will find almost the entire back run in fully searchable form.University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review (Penn Carey Law Journals)
The University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review is committed to addressing legal developments in Asia by providing a forum for scholars and students to contribute to the development of legal affairs in the region. To further this end, we publish and distribute a leading journal and host a variety of events at Penn Carey Law. The University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review continues the East Asia Law Review.
Visit our site at or email us.
University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law (Penn Carey Law Journals)
ISSN 1945-2934
The University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law (JBL) has published cutting-edge business and employment scholarship for more than two decades. Our articles and student comments address a broad range of business law topics, including corporate law and governance, securities and capital market regulation, bankruptcy and restructuring, and the law surrounding mergers and acquisitions.
The Journal of Business Law typically publishes four Issues per Volume, with four to five articles in each Issue. Recent articles have addressed whether the risks posed by digital platforms warrant enhanced regulatory oversight, the anticompetitive consequences of algorithmic customer targeting, and the application of the Caremark doctrine in the context of climate change and ESG activism, among others. Every year, JBL organizes an annual symposium where panelists and speakers debate divergent viewpoints on timely issues affecting the business law landscape. Our most recent annual symposium, “Digital Assets and Cryptocurrency,” featured speakers on topics including FTX and other crypto exchange bankruptcies, crypto regulation in the United States, and the use of digital assets by central banks.
Please address all correspondence related to the Journal to the attention of the Managing Editor.
Visit our site at
Journal of Business Law
University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
3501 Sansom Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6204
Telephone: (215) 898-9289
Facsimile: (215) 573-2025
University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law (Penn Carey Law Journals)
ISSN 1521-2823
The University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law provides a forum for the interdisciplinary study of and rigorous analysis of constitutional law. To that end, The Journal cultivates innovative scholarship, promotes critical perspectives, and reinvents the traditional study of constitutional law.
To encourage dialogue about the Constitution within and between diverse communities, The Journal hosts an annual symposium and publishes via both print and electronic media.
From this site you can read our current issue, browse back issues, and access our online companion, Journal of Constitutional Law Online.
Visit our site at or email us.
University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law (Penn Carey Law Journals)
ISSN 1086-7872
First printed in 1978 as the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Comparative Corporate Law and Securities Regulation, the Journal of International Law (JIL) is the oldest topically focused journal at Penn Law and widely recognized as one of the top international law journals in the world.
JIL publishes scholarship on diverse issues ranging from international economic law to international human rights and environmental regulation. The Journal continues to work with preeminent authors on articles regarding private international transactions, international governmental regulation, and empirical research on the effects of international law on world economies.
Visit our site at or email us.
University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Public Affairs (Penn Carey Law Journals)
The Journal of Law & Public Affairs provides a forum for scholarship that speaks to pressing law and policy issues with innovative solutions and thought-provoking analysis. The Journal is designed to serve as a research tool for policymakers, practitioners, judges, academics, students, and all interested readers.
University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change (Penn Carey Law Journals)
The Journal of Law and Social Change (JLASC) is a student-run journal and seminar committed to interdisciplinary scholarship addressing social, racial, and economic justice. JLASC is unique among Law School journals both in its mission and its democratic article selection process. All journal members participate in decision-making by collectively reviewing, selecting, and editing each piece of scholarship. JLASC members read article submissions as part of a weekly, student-run seminar, wherein they decide which articles to publish on a participatory and democratic basis.
JLASC’s broad mission attracts articles from a diverse range of scholars, practitioners, activists, and students from around the world. JLASC embraces a blend of theory and practice, featuring interdisciplinary scholarship that has practical implications both within and beyond the legal community. Visit our site at or email us.
The masthead for Volume 27 can be viewed here.
University of Pennsylvania Law Review (Penn Carey Law Journals)
The Law Review has both a professional and an educational mission. It serves the legal profession, the bench, the bar, and the academy by providing a forum for the publication of original legal research of the highest quality. We accept and scrutinize approximately 2,000 written submissions annually to select approximately twelve articles in each volume.
You can access the online companion (formerly PENNumbra) at University of Pennsylvania Law Review Online
Visit our site at or email us.
University of Pennsylvania Law Review Online (University of Pennsylvania Law Review)
ISSN 1942-8537
The University of Pennsylvania Law Review Online, formerly known as PENNumbra, is pleased to host debates between respected scholars on current controversies, responses to scholarly articles published by the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, short essays, and case notes written by current editors of the Law Review.
Visit our site at or email us.
Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law
Jeffrey S. Moorad Sports Law Journal (Journals)
ISSN 1074-9187
West Chester University
Journal of Access, Retention, and Inclusion in Higher Education
ISSN 2691-5596
The Journal of Access, Retention, and Inclusion in Higher Education supports research in the areas of developmental education, access, retention, inclusion, and student success in higher education. Contributors provide scholarly research, practical insight, and accounts of best practices to support students from traditionally underrepresented, first generation, and other marginalized communities. Readership includes faculty, program managers, legislators and college/university senior leadership.

Ramifications is a student-run, peer-reviewed, open-access undergraduate journal published through the Council for Undergraduate Research at West Chester University. Ramifications publishes journal articles documenting research and creative activities completed by undergraduate students. West Chester University, part of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, believes in the importance of student scholarship as an outgrowth of student learning, Ramifications is an expression of that learning.
Ramifications is an interdisciplinary journal and encourages students from all areas of study to submit articles for publication which reflect the definition of scholarship within their discipline. Ramifications is published electronically, once a semester.